Sunday, March 31, 2013

Are Republicans more socialist than Democrats?

Probably not, in any commonly used sense of the word and I don't think any raw numbers quite bear this out ... but!

If we use Medicaid and Social Security as barometers of a socialist system, we could argue Republicans are actually more socialist, because they so steadfastly insist such systems are untouchable, because the party is buoyed by old people who rely on those services. I suppose it could really be more selfish than socialist .... it just doesn't jive with their "earn it" motto?

Friday, March 8, 2013

How to drive like an idiot

Would you randomly weave back and forth over a lane line on a straight road?
How about on a curved road?

No, and no.

Then why do it on the curved road that happens to pass through an intersection????

Engineers and driving

How long does it take 2 engineers to make a 5 minute drive?
15 minutes: 5 minutes to make the drive, and 10 minutes to argue the merits of reasonable paths, none of which would take more than 7 minutes.

There's something addictive about being able to be right just for the sake of being right.

Engineers and pizzas

How do 6 engineers select toppings for 3 pizzas?
They find all the ingredients everyone likes, then select variations of those for each.

Why? Because engineers love to "solve the problem perfectly", and what can be more perfect than everyone liking every pizza? Then the 24 slices can be split in any proportion, everyone has options, and so on.

In reality this approach just guarantees that no one is unhappy. Likely it means that people's favorite ingredients are left off. And now you know why Microsoft Office is ... so ... just there.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Addicted to "Love"

Think of the worst couple you know ... yeah, those two.
What does the one see in the other? Why are they still together? How can they insist they love the other?

It actually makes sense. For that couple to have stayed together this long, [at least] one had to convince themselves they really love the other. They amplify that abstract ideal and cling more and more to it despite there being nothing substantial behind it. In a sense it's like a bad addiciton: bit by bit they delude themselves they are better off; ignoring all objective considerations that say otherwise.