Monday, July 18, 2016

Make America Safe Again!

Trump's slightly shifted his message at the RNC. It sounds great in principle; who doesn't want to be safe? But what does this really mean? And what about the "again"? Are we not as safe as we used to be?

What does it mean to be safe? This is a rather nebulous question, but one reasonable approximation is the odds of "something bad" happening to you outside your control. I don't think most people consider falling off a cliff while playing Pokémon Go an example of an unsafe world; I think they're more likely to just throw a Darwin Award after the person.

"Something bad", in the way people talk about it, mostly refers to ending up dead. This, too, can be broken down into many buckets. Someone could get and die of cancer. We tend not to chalk these cases up to "being safe" unless there's ample evidence of some man-made hazard (like Fukushima). Generally, death from illness is less and less likely and I doubt will regress from one president to the next, so there's no way to say a particular president had an influence. Deaths from accidents (like car crashes) falls in a similar bucket.

Mostly, Making America Safe Again means you're less likely to get violently killed by someone who's attacking you for their ideological purposes and you had particular ability to avoid them. First things first, what baselines or expectations or norms do we have? Using this compilation of Terrorist attacks and related incidents (which, at a glance, seems reasonably complete), we can establish the number of such deaths per year, and per president. In the interest of modern-day discourse, I'm filtering this to 1980 and after. No one's political memory goes back past Reagan anyways and the draft was still in effect for most of the time before; subjective many to deaths in faraway lands that they probably wanted nothing to do with. So, let's just say that before Reagan, self-started wars were the leading such violators of American safety. Since military involvement is now fully voluntary, I'm content to say that bucket has dried up and has no bearing on this discussion.

I've exported the linked table to Excel, filtered for only dates after Jan 1, 1980 and removed all cases marked as accident (ACC). There are 4267 qualifying deaths (and 12068 injuries) over approximately 36 years (average: 118 and 335 per year). All else equal, a president should expect to see about 474 deaths and 1341 injuries in a term. Since all but Bush Sr** served two terms, they get to double their expected numbers. How did they do?

Bush Sr**18254
Bush Jr30729005

The statistically very difficult thing here is that over 70% of the total comes from a single event (9/11), so everyone else is below the average. It can also be argued that the first WTC attempt *could* have been successful, and that was under Clinton's watch. But, let's just stick to what actually happened.

We can also sort and see when the largest events occurred. I'm going to semi-arbitrarily pick all the events with at least 10 casualties:

Bush Jr  New York City, New York 2759 8700  TER-islm crashing of two hijacked planes into World Trade Center towers, causing fires and collapse
Clinton  Atlantic Ocean, Massachusetts 217 0  TER-islm intentional crash of Egypt Air flight off Nantucket Island by copilot
Bush Jr  Alexandria, Virginia 189 200  TER-islm crashing of hijacked plane into Pentagon
Clinton  Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 169 675  TER-right truck bombing of federal building, causing partial collapse
Reagan  San Juan, Puerto Rico 97 140  CRI three employees set fire in Dupont Plaza Hotel; most fatalities were in the hotel casino; the employees were in a labor dispute with the hotel's management
Bush Sr  New York City, New York 87 0  CRI arson fire in social club
Clinton  Waco, Texas 86 25  CRI Branch Davidian cult members kill 4 ATF agents, injure 16, when agents raided their compound in Waco, TX; 10 cult members killed; compound was sieged until 19 Apr when another raid was attempted and the compound burned down
Obama  Orlando, Florida 50 53  TER-islm shooting attack at nightclub
Bush Sr  Atlantic Ocean, Puerto Rico 47 0  CRI? explosion in gun turrent of battleship U.S.S. Iowa off Puerto Rico kills 47; Navy cites some evidence of sabotage
Bush Jr  Somerset County, Pennsylvania 45 0  TER-islm crashing of hijacked plane into rural area of Pennsylvania, following attempt by passengers to regain control of aircraft
Clinton  Rancho Sante Fe, California 39 0  CRI discovery of mass suicide by 39 members of Heaven's Gate cult, tied by cult members to Comet Hale-Bopp
Bush Jr  Blacksburg, Virginia 33 17  CRI shooting attack at Virginia Polytechnic Institute
Obama  Newtown, Connecticut 28 3  CRI shooting attack at elementary school kills 20 children and 6 adults; shooter killed himself and had killed his mother earlier that day
Bush Sr  Killeen, Texas 24 20  CRI shooting attack at Luby's restaurant
Reagan  San Ysidro, California 22 19  CRI shooting attack at McDonalds restaurant
Obama  San Bernardino, California 16 23  TER-islm two attackers killed 14 and injured 21 at a county employee meeting and Christmas party; both attackers were killed hours later in a shootout with police in which 2 police officers were injured
Reagan  Edmond, Oklahoma 15 6  CRI shooting attack by postal employee at post office
Clinton  Littleton, Colorado 15 27  CRI mass shooting at Columbine High School by two students; 12 students and 1 teacher killed, 21 students and 2 teachers killed; both gunmen killed themselves
Obama  Binghamton, New York 14 4  CRI shooting attack at immigrant center
Reagan  Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania 13 0  CRI shooting attack
Obama  Foot Hood, Texas 13 44  TER-islm shooting attack at Soldier Readiness Center at Foot Hood
Obama  Washington, DC 13 3  CRI shooting attack at Washington Navy Yard
Obama  Aurora, Colorado 12 58  CRI shooting attack at movie theater; suspect was arrested afterwards; suspect had booby-trapped his nearby apartment with explosives which were successfully disarmed by police
Reagan  Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 11 0  CRI police assault on headquarters of radical black group Move starts fire
Obama  Alabama 11 6  CRI multiple shootings at residences and businesses in Samson and Geneva, AL
Bush Sr  Jacksonville, Florida 10 4  CRI shooting attack at GMAC office
Bush Jr  Red Lake, Minnesota 10 7  CRI shooting at Red Lake Indian Reservation school

The worst incidents happened under Bush Jr and Clinton. Bush Sr and Reagan are next, and Obama is last in this ordering. Obama is also second-to-last in per-term deaths and injuries.

I suppose if we want to Make America Safe Again, we should bring back zombie Reagan. If that's not feasible, let's give Obama a 3rd term. His track record demands it.