Monday, September 2, 2013

Another fucking Chevy

This trip's rental car is the bare-bones Chevy Cruze. While it solves many of the shortcomings of the Chevy Equinox, there are different random issues instead. Let's explore!

For starters, the car is just as impotent in the acceleration department (barring stomping the gas and doing the whole hunting for a gear, etc, thing), its 138 peak hp engine not exactly getting all its power down to the wheels easily. This is again due to the crappy tranny configuration. Why is this so hard to adjust and make not suck?? Is Chevy still putting trannies from the 60s in their cars?

The B pillar is absolutely right smack dab in the middle of my vision when looking left. I can barely see oncoming traffic during a right turn, and I can't peek behind (at my 7-8 o'clock) while making the turn. All I see is a metal bar.

The A/C controls are goofy. There are two knobs, one for the temp and another for the fan speed. In the middle of each of those are buttons for the heated seats. Separately elsewhere is the button for turning on the actual A/C. Reaching the fan control requires snaking around the shifter doodad (whatever you call that in an automatic). Despite all these buttons, the car doesn't remember what volume the radio was set to and always starts off at the same very low volume when turned on.

The seats are terrible. The lumbar protrudes like one of those bad orthotic desks that make half your lower body fall asleep. I'm not relishing the 1.5 hour drive to Tucson tomorrow. Also when I left the car out in the sun for a couple hours, it started to smell like used snorkel gear. Yeah, that slightly rotting rubber smell.

The headlight does that annoying thing where it's always fully on, including for a good 30 seconds after turning the car off. Why must the car try to be smarter than me? Why can't the light just turn off? In related news, I couldn't even find a control for turning the light on/off. How do I turn the headlights on without turning the car on? Is this possible?

The trunk is a marvel of energy conservation. Unless I gently stop it at the top (when opening it), it will quickly bounce back and fall down upon my unsuspecting arms/head. The key on the other hand likes to get stuck halfway out (on a car with < 1000 miles on it).

There are so many controls and buttons in the car, each backlit, that the lower half of my field of vision on a dark night is filled with a glow. Quite a distracting glow. I haven't looked to see if the backlighting can be made less intense, but given the headlight control situation I'm gonna bet no. Seriously, it's like the Milky Way in my lap in here.
I guess I should say something good about the car too. It... goes? It.... turns? It.... stops? I can have it display the speed digitally right next to the analog dials for double confirmation? I guess I'll go with "good turning radius", though my bar's pretty low. I'm pretty sure my RSX is about the worst turning small car on the planet. However, it has zero of the issues that the Cruze and Equinox have, combined. Get it right, Chevy. 



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