Saturday, August 29, 2015

The SUV phenomenon

A lot of people buy SUVs. They explain that they need it for the size, or the all-wheel drive, or the safety, or ...
Problem is, a lot of the rationalizations don't really bear out. I'll leave this highly anecdotal since the point is not to pick on or do a deep dive into SUVs. The point is that people feel the need to rationalize their choices. Probably they want to be able to justify their purchase to others.

None of this is necessary. Just say you got an SUV because you wanted to feel cool. Or you like how it looks. Whatever. Be honest about your motivations. Be honest with yourself and others.

This concept is highly visible in the world of guns. I saw a great quote the other day, something like:

Birth control? Ban it.
Abortions? Ban it.
Gay marriage? Ban it.
Guns? Well, see, people will still get guns so ...

And to all the escalationists who justify more guns in order to stop the bad guys, here's the epitome of a good guy with a gun. And now he's dead. And he never had a chance.

Gun nuts: please just admit that you like your toys because they make you feel cool. At least that's something we can't argue with.

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