Saturday, November 12, 2016

The sky is falling

No, seriously. While Trumpers are out in force saying nice things like "we should be united" and "give him a chance, he might surprise you" (of course, now they say that, while they were saying the exact opposite before he was elected), some serious scary horrible awful stuff is happening. Trump has released his First 100 Days plan; it's mostly hot air or seriously flawed. Specific names are emerging as potential members of his cabinet. I'm just going to have an ongoing list here, because I'm sure it's going to get worse every day.

Secretary of Education - Ben Carson
Umm. This is a guy who believes in a Young Earth Creationism and was adamant he knew better than all the Indiana Joneses what pyramids were for. Cuz obviously it was to store their grain.

Secretary of Homeland Security - Joe Arpaio
Arpaio's largest claim to fame was his absolute embrace of the Obama birther myth, to the degree that he commissioned his own investigation into the issue. Being an Arizona sheriff doesn't mean he has border experience either, Maricopa county is a good 100 miles and one large city away from Mexico.

Secretary of Homeland Security - Chris Christie
Another bully, currently embroiled in his own bridge closing scandal.

Head of the EPA - Myron Ebell
Never heard of him? Me neither. But he has no scientific education, denies climate change and was a key figure in favor of big tobacco's message of "safer cigarettes" in the 90s. Interestingly he believes climate change is an EU hoax, which stands are serious odds of Trump's claims that it's a Chinese hoax. Come on guys, who was it?

Director of Strategy - Steve Bannon
He was also the CEO of the Trump campaign, and before that he was the director/mastermind of Breitbart. Breitbart is the de facto media of the alt-right movement. Facts? Naw. Unsubstantiated claims? Hell yeah! Finger pointing at imaginary scapegoats? Got it. And so on. According to many, he's also an unabashed white supremacist.

Chief of Staff - Reince Preibus
I don't have a good sense of him, but he did drive the RNC process this year, including threatening to cut off debates he didn't like.

Secretary of Commerce - Mike Huckabee
Another loyalist.

Something - Sarah Palin
She's been irrelevant in politics and policy for years now, and rightly so. I can't believe she might get a chance to do her awfulness on a national stage.

The common thread here is that loyalty to Trump comes first. And if your merits are your loyalty, you can guess how much independent value you can deliver. All their actions will just be as mouthpieces for Trump. There's a consistent thread of anti-unity, bullying, anti-science and anti-expert.

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