Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Next-level attack ads

Washington's 45th district is pulling the most campaign money in the state's history for a senate seat. What's at stake? The balance of the state! The legislature already leans Democratic, the state has a Democratic governor, and the Senate hangs in the balance. A victory by Democrat Manka Dhingra would be tip the Senate to the left as well.

Her challenger is Jinyoung Englund. She's photogenic, has great hair, grew up in the area, moved to DC to do something. She's so unknown, she doesn't even have a Wikipedia page. She was transplanted back to Washington with huge funding support to try and win a vulnerable seat left vacant by previous Senator Andy Hill-R who died of lung cancer.

The elections are today and attack ads have been in full swing for weeks. Dhingra is often attacked for supporting heroin injection sites and being light on crime. The latter is a complete fabrication and the former is a contentious issue with incomplete data that suggests effects from neutral to positive. Dishonest attack ads are par for today's course, so there's not much sense dwelling on this.

Disclosure: I'm an eastsider and I voted for Manka Dhingra. Actually I live 1 block outside her district so I didn't, but I would have.

The next level ad is one masquerading as pro-Dhingra, but is actually trying to turn voters off by making her seem ridiculously left, snooty, etc.

"Hey eastside, it's Seattle. We don't have enough liberal politicians!" shouts a 20-something in a beanie, wearing hammer-and-sickle, MORE TAXES!, and socialist-Sawant pins, standing next to a Lenin statue (get it, she's a socialist communist millennial who wants handouts!).
"Do us a solid, send Manka Dhingra to the senate" adds a dude with a beard and gauged ears (get it, he's one of these kids these days)
"Manka Dhingra will give us free stuff. I LooooOOOOooove free stuff" says the 60-something lady in a headband, trying to channel some kind of stoned hippie summer love look.

And it goes on like this, even adding a professional 30-something in glasses outside of Amazon who quips "Manka Dhingra is Seattle sophisticated, not like those eastside soccer moms!"

Get it?? She's arrogant and out of touch with the eastside values, whatever those are.

I really hope this ad backfires. We'll find out tomorrow.

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