Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Immigration chain addendum

Our chief idiot is floating that he will strike down birthright citizenship with an executive order. It's probably all hot air, and would be struck down in the courts, but it definitely stokes fears of immigrants. One of those fears is that parents will come to the USA just to have their kids and make their own path to citizenship easier.

While this is sort of maybe technically true, let's look at the details. As I've outlined in the past, the "links" in "chain immigrations" are prohibitively long. To recap, a US Citizen of age 21 or higher can petition for their parent to be given a green card. Using the anchor baby as the basis, this baby will need to live for 21 years, then petition, then wait at least 7 years, but usually 20+ (especially for those from countries that certain people tend to worry about). 40-45 years after giving birth, a mother can be reunited with their child in the USA. This is an exceedingly long play: the mom has a decent chance of not living that long, and the people worried about this abuse are even less likely to be alive by the time it happens.

Another concern is they are going to leach off American benefits. If the kid stays in the country, then yes, I suppose they will … but they will grow up in America like any other kid, will probably get a job like any other kid, etc. In other words, they'll be like any other kid and should get the same exact support. It's economically sound, and morally right. If they don't stay in the country as a minor, then they won't get any of the benefits and problem solved. 

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