Friday, July 13, 2018

Parallel Universes

This is not about physics. Or time. It's about lies.

When a person lies, they create a parallel universe. In this universe, some fact is different.
The person now has to take care to live in both universes: the real one with the people they haven't lied to, and the alternate one with the rest.

But don't alternate realities collapse when the main character meets themselves? In the same way Marty McFly can't let other Marty McFly see him, interactions between those in the real and alternate universes are fraught with peril. If they talk to each other and discuss their versions of the same fact, the universes become incompatible.

Every time the person lies, they create more and more parallel universes and have to maintain each one. Juggling them is hard work, eventually some will drop. The only universe that stays stable is the one with all truth. In the long run, reality wins out. Lies requires additional energy and become unsustainable.

Unfortunately "the long run" can be quite long on a human lifespan scale.

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