Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Bad ads

If I had my way, I'd add critical thinking and propaganda to grade and/or middle school curriculum. The number of ads that abuse people's stupidity is just sad. There's no real difference between Bud and Coors and therefore we have to associate each with different boobs and good times, but this isn't the really bad stuff.

For example, AT&T consistently touts that it's up to 10 times faster. Than what? Dunno, they never say ... so ... 10 times faster than the imagination of a leprechaun. Smart phones brag about the number of megapixels in their camera despite it being a meaningless value. The NRA makes suggestions about how to curb school shootings that don't scale to the entire country (nor to malls, movie theaters, ... ).

We need to learn to see through the bullshit, and actually discuss things that are relevant. The prevalence of the opposite in ads is proof that our mainstream isn't up to this task.

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