Monday, February 4, 2013

Kitchen Remodeling: The thing about being displaced

So you guys are just gonna eat out a lot, huh?

Sorta. We are lucky enough to have a 2-story house; our master bedroom is as far from the kitchen and mess as possible. The demolition started on Christmas Eve while we were at the in-laws, by the time we got home there was nothing left! This thankfully got us past a lot of the initial noise and mess. I arrived back in town sporting a pretty good fever, and was able to sleep/rest through a lot of the remaining noise.

We were prepared. Our bedroom has some food staples and a rice cooker, and our bathroom is set up with a cutting board, knives and place settings for two. We saved our old microwave and put it in our laundry room. Our entire DVD collection is in the corner by the TV. We watched every Harry Potter, finished all known episodes of House and got halfway through The Office, ate rice and tuna, occasionally made fancy salads, grilled steaks and had good sandwiches. Our fridge was relocated to our living room so we had that working the whole time as well.

In short, it wasn't that hard to make food. Cleanup, on the other hand ...
Turns out washing dishes in bathroom sinks is awful. If you leave something to soak, you either have to pull things out of the sink with water still in them, or brush your teeth around them. Crumbs accumulate in various corners. There's virtually no countertop to work with for drying dishes, etc. In short, it's an exercise in keeping a minimal footprint.

One night while watchin Harry Potter, the soundtrack included an unexpected thump. We didn't think anything of it until the doorbell rang. I put some pants on and went to check on things. There was a couple in the street (putting on pants is not instant and they got bored of waiting) who then asked "whose car is that", pointing to Vivi. Turns out they were visiting our neighbors and had backed their car out into my quarter panel. See, we had the contractor set up all his tools and workspace in our garage and were therefore always parking on the street. Just another wrinkle in the process. Luckily they didn't just drive off, even though I think the driver may have had a few drinks (or was just super upset ... ). Dink n flicka.